Bring Your Clients, Support, And Legal Teams Together ― From Within And Beyond The Office Walls.

Clients are spending less time in law firms and more time communicating through digital channels. To keep pace, law firms need to transform the desk-and-receptionist welcome into digital, omnichannel client experiences.

A cloud-based communications tool goes a long way toward keeping your legal firm humming and connected with clients. Now is the time to invest in critical tools. Our all-in-one, cloud-based and omni channel platform brings you:

A highly secure client and web interface that conforms to security and regulatory requirements of multiple industries.

A full communications system ― including highly flexible phone, text, web chat, social media messaging and video conferencing ― accessible on multiple devices, wherever your clients and your legal team members are.

An award winning and customizable communication tool that enhances customer experience.

Let’s Start A Discussion About How We Can Help.

Contact Us Today At 1-800-969-0164 Or Info@Linkedip.Com Or Request A Call Back.

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Have questions? Not sure where or how to start? 

Don’t sorry! We have outstanding team representatives waiting for your comments so we can help your projects and needs.  Tell us your history and we’ll be with you.  Use the form on the right to leave us with your contact information so we can contact you back.  Alternatively you can use the web chat form for live questions or call us at 800-969-0164.

Looking forward to connect with you.


Unified Communications